Many-Rooms [2020]

[Summary]: Many-Rooms was a durational writing and publishing project produced in 10 parts (or Rooms) based on themes around isolation and speculative technologies.

[Format]: Each room consisted of a research pool (made public via, a text built from this research presented in the guise of a fictional account and a supporting Instagram post displaying associated imagery.

Rooms were researched, written and posted to various platforms (see @many.rooms.project) from inside various real-world scenarios inhabited by the author over the course of the Covid-19 pandemic—from precarious student housing in Rotterdam to vacacted airports to Hotel Quarantine to home lockdown in Australia to the Hematology ward at a city hospital.

Scroll down for links to the resulting stories and links to associated research pools. Recordings of readings and live events such as ‘open studio’ sessions were archived via YouTube and posted to Telegram.

1. Arrival
2. Regulation Nation

3. Together Apart

4. Interlude
5. Scare City

6. The Many-Rooms interpretation

7. Recap

8. The Trip Advisor

9. Immune System

10. Escape Room