Res >^..^<
PMF 001

Research Catalogue
Pamph No.1:
‘On Pamphlets’

This is first in a series of pamphlet-shaped, self-initiated publications produced under the banner of design research repository and imprint, Res >^..^< aka Research Catalogue.

'On Pamphlets' sifts through the messy legacy of the ‘Pamphlet’ as format and as protagonist, connecting to a vast legacy of urgently distributed information stretching as far back as the origins of printed material in the 1200s, up until as recently as 2020.

Researched, written, designed and produced by Michael Bojkowski with thanks to Laura Knight, Dennis Grauel, Zenobia Ahmed, Kaitlyn Chai and Ruth Höflich for pointing out some interesting paths to further research.

Available soon via Print-on-Demand.

Follow [@research.catalogue] on Instagram for upates and news.